How to make cold Green Tea

Halmari Tea Estate
4 min readMay 10, 2023


When it comes to tea, green tea is quite a well-known one that many people consume worldwide. While it is commonly served hot, it can also be enjoyed as a refreshing cold drink, especially during the summer months. Making cold green tea is simple, and it is a great way to stay hydrated and reap the benefits of green tea. To make cold green tea, you will need to start with high-quality green tea leaves. Loose-leaf tea is generally considered to be of higher quality than tea bags, as it retains more of its natural flavor and aroma. You will also need to choose the right water temperature and steeping time to ensure that your tea tastes great. Once you have brewed your green tea, you can chill it in the refrigerator or add ice cubes to enjoy it immediately. Some people also like to add sweeteners or other flavorings to their cold green tea, such as honey, lemon, or mint.

Overall, making cold green tea is a simple and rewarding process that can be enjoyed by anyone who loves tea.

Have cold brewed green tea and enjoy the summer!

Ingredients to prepare green tea (cold)

To make cold green tea, you will need a few basic ingredients, including green tea leaves, water, and ice cubes.

Green tea leaves

The most important ingredient in making cold green tea is to buy green tea which has good quality. Loose green tea leaves are generally preferred over tea bags, as it retains more of their natural flavor and aroma. Some popular varieties of green tea are dragon well, sencha, and matcha.


The quality of the water used to make cold green tea is also important. Use fresh, cold water to avoid any unwanted flavors or impurities. Filtered water is preferred, but tap water can work as well.

Ice cubes

If you want to enjoy your cold green tea immediately, you will need to add ice cubes to chill it. You can use regular ice cubes or make green tea ice cubes by brewing a strong batch of green tea and freezing it in an ice cube tray.

Cold green tea: Making

Making cold green tea is a simple and refreshing way to enjoy the benefits of green tea. Here are the steps to make cold green tea:

Choose your green tea

As mentioned earlier, loose-leaf green tea is generally considered to be of higher quality than tea bags. Some popular varieties of this include matcha, sencha, and dragon well. Choose a tea as per your taste preferences.

Boil water

Bring fresh, cold water to a boil. It’s important to use fresh water because reboiled water can negatively affect the taste of your tea.

Let the water cool

Once the water has reached boiling point, let it cool for a few minutes to reach the ideal temperature for steeping green tea. The ideal temperature for green tea is around 160°F to 180°F (70°C to 80°C).

Steep the green tea

Add the green tea leaves to a tea infuser or strainer and place it in a teapot or a large glass jar. Pour the water over the tea leaves and simmer it for 2–3 minutes.

Chill the tea

After the tea has steeped, remove the tea infuser or strainer and let the tea cool down to room temperature. Once it has cooled down, you can chill it in the refrigerator or add ice cubes to it.

Add sweeteners or other flavors (optional)

You can add sweeteners or other flavors to your cold green tea, such as honey, lemon, or mint, depending on your preference.

Serve and enjoy

Once your cold green tea is chilled, you can serve it in a glass with ice cubes and a slice of lemon or lime. Enjoy your refreshing and healthy drink!

Green tea benefits

Green tea has plenty of health benefits that people have known for generations. It is packed with antioxidants and other compounds that can help boost brain function, increase fat burning, lower the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, and improve overall health. Studies have also shown that green tea can improve blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve dental health. Furthermore, green tea is a great alternative to coffee as it contains less caffeine and has a more calming effect on the body. Overall, green tea is a useful beverage that can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Making cold green tea is a simple and refreshing way to enjoy the benefits of green tea. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a delicious and healthy drink that can be enjoyed throughout the day. With just a few basic ingredients, including high-quality green tea leaves, freshwater, and ice cubes, you can make a refreshing drink that is packed with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Whether you prefer it plain or with added flavors, cold green tea is a great way to stay hydrated and boost your overall health.



Halmari Tea Estate

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