Why Will You Buy Oolong Tea Bags in 2019?
You must have a personal tea flavor which makes your everyday!
However, have you ever tried Oolong tea bags? If not, then you did miss a great flavor! Fret not though, for you can have a taste of this exquisite brew if you buy Oolong tea bags in 2019.
Many say that Oolong is a kind of black tea while others pit it against green tea. But, truth be told, this rare brew does not fall under any of these categories. Oolong is what the tea experts describe as ‘slightly fermented as well as semi-oxidized”.
The Many Facets of Oolong Tea Bags: Learn to Taste
1. Nutritional Values –
Calories = 90
Sodium = 10 mg
Vitamin C = 100%
Carbohydrates = 25 g
Calcium = 4%
The brew comes with such a power-packed nutritional quotient. It contains zero fat and cholesterol.
2. Metabolism Boosting
This brew helps in boosting your metabolism, thus, acting as a fat-burning agent. It contains polyphenols that block fat-building enzymes. Therefore, you start to lose weight if you start dipping oolong tea bags in your regular morning teacup. However, overloading your cup with sugar won’t work well with this. If you have sweet teeth, then try using raw honey, stevia or maple syrup. These are low on the glycemic index.
3. Free Radical Eradication
The Oolong tea’s antioxidant properties remove excess free radicals from your body. This plays a crucial role in eliminating diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and stroke.
4. Puffiness of Eyes Gone
If you think that your tea bag becomes useless once you dip it, you are wrong. Oolong tea bags can be re-used. You can place these under your eyes after putting them in your freezer for a night. This reduces your puffiness and also dark circles.
5. Enhances Mental Alertness
Oolong tea bags incur maximum freshness in your teacup. They act as a healing source that invigorates your mental alertness. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine, then limit your teacup to one per day.
6. Healthy Hair
It has a high antioxidant level. This can prevent your rampant hair loss for which you may have got all worked up. Your hair will get thicker, stronger and shall protrude an overall gloss. Moreover, Oolong also softens the hair adding luster!
7. Skin Health
Skin issues like Eczema, acne scars, pimples, wrinkles, and related irritations get a respite if you buy oolong tea bags and use them accordingly. The anti-allergic antioxidants relieve you from Eczema. If you use these tea bags three times at a stretch of six months, then you will see your skin getting smooth and flawless.
Buy Oolong Tea Bags Now!
Oolong tea bags have a way of adding that extra bit of flavor to your mundane life! Not only do they oblige you with the perks mentioned above, but they also can be used in other skincare treatments.
Aiding in your digestion, building immunity, resisting cellular damage, acting as an energy beverage and what not! This brew is indeed worthy of your purchase list.